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UI - Text

Text Properties

Modify text properties with the "Set Text" command

  • Direction
    • Horizontal - TB:Text is arranged from left to right, with line feeds down
    • Vertical - LR:Text is arranged from top to bottom, with line feeds to the right
    • Vertical - RL:Text is arranged from top to bottom, with line feeds to the left
  • Align:Left, Center, Right, Top, Middle, Bottom
  • Content:Text content, insert rich text tags via "Right-click menu -> Tags"
  • Size:Text font size (10 ~ 400)
  • Line Spacing:Distance between lines of text (in pixels)
  • Letter Spacing:Distance between each text in the same line (in pixels)
  • Color:Initial color of the text
  • Font:Enter the font name, separated by commas if there are multiple fonts, and list them in order of priority from left to right.
  • Typeface:Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
  • Effect
    • None
    • Shadow:Enable parameters (Shadow X, Shadow Y, Effect Color)
    • Stroke:Enable parameters (Stroke Width, Effect Color)
    • Outline:Similar to "stroke", the line width is fixed at 1 pixel, enable parameter (Effect Color)
  • Shadow X:Horizontal offset distance of text shadow (in pixels)
  • Shadow Y:Vertical offset distance of text shadow (in pixels)
  • Stroke Width:The width of the text stroke line, half of which is obscured inside the text and the other half outside.
  • Effect Color:Shadow / stroke / outline color
  • Overflow
    • Visible:Allow text to appear outside of the element
    • Wrap:When text is printed to the edge of the element, it will continue to be print on a new line, affected by "Project Settings -> Text -> Wrap (break / keep)"
    • Truncate:Stop printing overflow text after a line break
    • Wrap Truncate:Both "wrap" and "truncate" are available
  • Blend:Normal, Additive, Subtract