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Particle - Layer


  • Name:Particle layer name
  • Emission Area:
    • Point:Particles are emitted from a point, enable parameters (X, Y)
    • Rectangle:Particles are emitted from a random position inside a rectangle, enable parameters (X, Y, Width, Height)
    • Circle:Particles are emitted from a random position inside a circle, enable parameters (X, Y, Radius)
    • Screen Edge:Particles are emitted from the edge of the screen, the emission position is related to the initial movement angle, suitable for making weather effects
  • Emission Count:Stop emitting particles after the specified number of particles have been emitted. If set to 0, there is no limit to the number.
  • Initial Delay:Delay the time to emit particles.
  • Interval:The emission interval time of the particles.
  • Lifetime:The time from emission to destruction of the particle.
  • Lifetime Dev:Lifetime ± Lifetime time deviation (random) = Final lifetime
  • Fadeout:Time for particles to transition to transparency before destruction


  • Anchor X:Horizontal position of the particle connection point
  • Anchor Y:Vertical position of the particle connection point
  • Anchor Speed X:Change in "Anchor X" per second
  • Anchor Speed Y:Change in "Anchor Y" per second

The anchor point (0, 0) is at the center of the particle


  • Movement Angle:The angle of the initial speed of a particle
  • Movement Speed:The initial speed of a particle
  • Accel Angle:Change in "movement angle" per second
  • Accel:Change in "movement speed" per second


  • Rotation Angle:Initial angle of the particle
  • Angular Velocity:Change in "rotation angle" per second
  • Angular Accel:Change in "angular velocity" per second

Horizontal Rotation

  • Radius:Amplitude of the particle moving left and right, used to simulate rotation around the Y-axis
  • Expansion Speed:Change in "radius" per second
  • Expansion Accel:Change in "expansion speed" per second
  • Rotation Angle:Angle from the Y axis to the current position of the particle after horizontal rotation, right = 0 degrees, clockwise rotation
  • Angular Velocity:Change in "rotation angle" per second
  • Angular Accel:Change in "angular velocity" per second


  • Scale Factor:Scale factor for particle size, 1 = 100%.
  • Expansion Speed:Change in "scale factor" per second
  • Expansion Accel:Change in "expansion speed" per second


  • Image:Spritesheet Image file
  • Blend:Normal, Additive, Subtract
  • Light
    • Raw:Unaffected by light
    • Global Sampling:Sampling light from multiple pixel locations where the image is located to composite the final color
    • Ambient Light:Use the ambient light of the current scene to composite the final color.
  • Sort:
    • Youngest in Front:The newly generated particles are displayed in front of the old ones.
    • Oldest in Front:The old particles are displayed in front of the newly generated particles
    • By Scale Factor:Particles with larger scaling factors are displayed in front
  • Horizontal Frames:The number of horizontal frames of the spritesheet, randomly selected a column when generating particles
  • Vertical Frames:The number of vertical frames of the spritesheet, randomly selected a row when generating particles
  • Color Mode:
    • Fixed:Enable parameter (Color)
    • Random:Enable parameters (Color Min, Color Max)
    • Easing:Enable parameters (Color Easing, Color Start Min, Color Start Max, Color End Min, Color End Max)
    • Texture Sampling:Enable parameters (Tint - Red, Tint - Green, Tint - Blue, Tint - Grayscale)