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UI - Common


  • Name:Element name, no real use


  • Align:Left, Center, Right, Top, Middle, Bottom
  • Anchor:Horizontal + vertical positions of the element's connection point
  • X:Horizontal position of the element in the container, pixel value + scale of the container width
  • Y:Vertical position of the element in the container, pixel value + scale of the container height
  • Width:Element width, pixel value + scale of container width
  • Height:Element height, pixel value + scale of container height
  • Rotation:Rotation angle of the element around the anchor point, right = 0 degrees, clockwise
  • Scale:The horizontal + vertical scaling factors of the element, set to -1 is equal to the flipped
  • Skew:Horizontal + vertical skew factors of the element
  • Opacity:Used to adjust the visibility of the tilemap in the scene


  • Autorun:Triggered when the element appears
  • Mouse Down LB:Triggered when left mouse button is pressed
  • Mouse Down RB:Triggered when right mouse button is pressed
  • Mouse Down:Triggered when a mouse button is pressed. Get the button code by "Set Number" command and check the button code (0 ~ 4) by "Switch" command.
  • Mouse Up LB:Triggered when left mouse button is released
  • Mouse Up RB:Triggered when right mouse button is released
  • Mouse Up:Triggered when a mouse button is released. Get the button code by "Set Number" command and check the button code (0 ~ 4) by "Switch" command.
  • Mouse Move:Triggered when the mouse is moved over the element
  • Mouse Enter:Triggered when the mouse enters the rectangular area of the element
  • Mouse Leave:Triggered when the mouse leaves the rectangular area of the element
  • Click:Triggered when the mouse is pressed in an element, stays inside the rectangular area of the element, then released
  • Double Click:Triggered when the mouse is double-clicked in the element.
  • Wheel:Triggered when the mouse wheel slides up or down in the element. Get the Delta Y of the mouse wheel by the "Set Number" command, if it is less than 0, it means slide up, if it is greater than 0, it means slide down.
  • Input:A specific event for the text box, which will be triggered by entering text in the text box.
  • Focus:A specific event for the text box, which will be triggered when the textbox is switched to input mode.
  • Blur:A specific event for the text box, which will be triggered when the textbox exits input mode.
  • Destroy:When the element is deleted by the "Delete Element" command, the event is triggered before it is deleted
  • Custom Events:Custom events can be called via plugins

For performance optimization reasons, if the position of an element is outside the parent element, clicking on the outside part will not trigger a pointer event, e.g., mouse down event.


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