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Get Target

Takes an actor from the target pool of the specified actor and sets him to the "Target Actor" of the actor getter.

  • Actor:Actor getter
  • Selector:Filter actors by relationship
    • Enemy
    • Friend
    • Team Member
    • Team Member Except Self
    • Any Except Self
    • Any
  • Condition
    • Max Threat:The actor who poses the greatest threat to this actor
    • Nearest:The actor who is closest to this actor
    • Farthest:The actor who is furthest away from this actor
    • Min Attribute Value:The actor with the minimum value of the specified attribute, enable parameter (Attribute).
    • Max Attribute Value:The actor with the maximum value of the specified attribute, enable parameter (Attribute).
    • Min Attribute Ratio:The actor with the minimum ratio of two attribute values, enabled parameters (Attribute, Attribute 2)
    • Max Attribute Ratio:The actor with the maximum ratio of two attribute values, enabled parameters (Attribute, Attribute 2)
    • Random:Select a random actor