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Follow Actor

  • Actor:Actor Getter
  • Target:Actor Getter
  • Mode
    • Circle:Actor A follows Actor B within a circle.
      • Min Distance:When the distance is less than the minimum distance, actor A will move away from actor B.
      • Max Distance:When the distance is greater than the maximum distance, actor A will approach actor B.
      • Offset Ratio:If there are multiple actors following the same actor and the following distance is the same, you can set different offset ratios separately to avoid overlap.
    • Rectangle:Actor A follows Actor B within a rectangle.
      • Min Distance:When the horizontal distance is less than the minimum distance, actor A will move away from actor B.
      • Max Distance:When the horizontal distance is greater than the maximum distance, actor A will approach actor B.
      • Vert Distance:When the Y-axis distance between actors is greater than the "vertical distance", actor A will approach actor B on the Y-axis.
    • Navigate:Repeat pathfinding when following the actor, enable parameters (Bypass Actor)
    • Bypass Actors:Bypass other actors when pathfinding
    • Once:The actor stops following after reaching his destination

Circle following mode

  • It can be used to follow teammates, or to follow enemies, to get close to the target and cast skills, or to keep a distance from enemies by increasing minimum following distance.

Rectangle following mode

  • When the attack direction is only left and right, it is suitable to use this following mode.