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  • Branches:A branch can have multiple conditions, if the conditions are met, execute the commands of the branch, otherwise check the conditions of the next branch
  • Else:If checked, when none of the branch conditions are sufficient, go to the "else" branch


  • Condition Type
    • Boolean
      • Variable:Variable Getter
      • Operation
        • Equal to (==)
        • Not Equal to (!=)
      • Operand Type
        • None:Does not exist
        • Constant
        • Variable
    • Number
      • Variable:Variable Getter
      • Operation
        • Equal to (==)
        • Not Equal to (!=)
        • Greater than or equal to (>=)
        • Less than or equal to (<=)
        • Greater than (>)
        • Less than (<)
      • Operand Type
        • None:Does not exist
        • Constant
        • Variable
    • String
      • Variable:Variable Getter
      • Operation
        • Equal to (==)
        • Not Equal to (!=)
        • Include
        • Exclude
      • Operand Target
        • None:Does not exist
        • Constant
        • Variable
        • Enumeration
    • Object
      • Variable:Variable Getter
      • Operation
        • Equal to (==):Enable Parameter (Operand Type)
        • Not Equal to(!=):Enable Parameter (Operand Type)
        • is Actor
        • is Skill
        • is State
        • is Equipment
        • is Item
        • is Trigger
        • is Light
        • is Element
      • Operand Type
        • None:Does not exist
        • Actor:Actor Getter
        • Skill:Skill Getter
        • State:State Getter
        • Equipment:Equipment Getter
        • Item:Item Getter
        • Trigger:Trigger Getter
        • Light:Light Getter
        • Element:Element Getter
        • Variable:Variable Getter
    • Actor
      • Actor:Actor Getter
      • Operation
        • Present and Active
        • Present:The actor is in the current scene
        • Absent:The actor is not in the current scene
        • Active:Default
        • Inactive:Change the activation status of an actor with the "Set Active" command
        • Has Targets:There is a target actor in the actor's target pool
        • Has No Targets:There is no target actors in the actor's target pool
        • In Screen:The actor is inside the visible area of the camera
        • Is Player Actor:The actor is set to "Player Actor"
        • Is Party Member
        • Has Skill
        • Has State
        • Has Items
        • Has Equipments
        • Has Skill Shortcut:The specified "shortcut key" corresponds to a skill
        • Has Item Shortcut:The specified "shortcut key" corresponds to an item
        • Equipped
        • Is a Teammate of Actor ...:Be in the same team as the specified actor
        • Is a Friend of Actor ...:The team relationship with the specified actor is friendly
        • Is an Enemy of Actor ...:The team relationship with the specified actor is hostile
        • Is a Member of Team ...:Is a member of the specified team
        • Is a Friend of Team ...:The relationship with the specified team is friendly
        • Is an Enemy of Team ...:The relationship with the specified team is hostile
    • Element
      • Element:Element Getter
      • Operation
        • Present:The element read from the element getter is valid
        • Absent:The element read from the element getter is invalid
        • Visible:The element is not hidden
        • Invisible:The element is hidden
        • Dialog Box - is Paused
        • Dialog Box - is Updating
        • Dialog Box - is Waiting
        • Dialog Box - is Complete
    • Keyboard
      • Key Code
      • State
        • Pressed
        • Released
    • Mouse
      • Button
        • Left Button
        • Middle Button
        • Right Button
        • Back Button
        • Forward Button
      • State
        • Pressed
        • Released
    • List
      • Variable:List Variable Getter
      • Operation
        • Include
        • Exclude
      • Variable
        • Read the operand from the variable
    • Other
      • Other
        • Mouse has entered the window
        • Mouse has left the window
        • Game is paused
        • Game is not paused