Get Actor
Get an actor from the scene and write it to a variable
- Write to Variable:Write the actor to this variable
- Position:A location in the scene
- Select Area
- Square:Get an actor inside a square centered at the specified position.
- Size:Square side length (in tiles)
- Circle:Get an actor inside a circle centered at the specified position.
- Radius:Circle radius (in tiles)
- Square:Get an actor inside a square centered at the specified position.
- Selector
- Team Enemy:A hostile actor of the specified team, enable parameter (Team)
- Team Friend:A friendly actor of the specified team, enable parameter (Team)
- Team Member:A member of the specified team, enable parameter (Team)
- Any
- Team
- Condition
- Nearest:The actor closest to the specified location
- Farthest:The actor furthest away from the specified location
- Min Attribute Value:The actor with the minimum value of the specified attribute, enable parameter (Attribute).
- Max Attribute Value:The actor with the maximum value of the specified attribute, enable parameter (Attribute).
- Min Attribute Ratio:The actor with the minimum ratio of two attribute values, enabled parameters (Attribute, Attribute 2)
- Max Attribute Ratio:The actor with the maximum ratio of two attribute values, enabled parameters (Attribute, Attribute 2)
- Random:Select a random actor
- Activation
- Active:The actor must be active
- Inactive:The actor must be inactive
- Either
- Exclusion
- None
- Exclude Actor:The target cannot be the specified actor
- Exclude Team:The target cannot be a member of the specified team