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Create Trigger

In "Cast Skill" events, it is often necessary to create a trigger to achieve skill damage.
The "Hit Actor" event is called when the trigger collides with a target actor.
It uses a polar coordinate system to determine the position: from the initial position here, rotate a certain angle and advance a certain distance as the trigger creation position.
The global speed can be set to the actor's attack speed.

  • Trigger:Trigger File
  • Caster:You can get this actor by "Skill caster" in trigger events
  • Origin:Original reference position
  • Angle:Initial angle of the trigger
  • Distance:The distance the trigger is shifted forward from the original position and the initial angle, which determines the initial position
  • Scale:Overall scaling triggers shapes and animations, which can be used as attack ranges.
  • Global Speed:Overall affects the speed of the trigger, which can be used as an attack speed.