Variable Getter
- Type
- Local:A temporary variable stored in the event and destroyed at the end of the event
- Global:A preset variable that can be saved
- Self Variable:A property specific to the preset object in the scene that can be saved
- Actor Attribute:Customizable in the "Object Attribute" window
- Skill Attribute:Customizable in the "Object Attribute" window
- State Attribute:Customizable in the "Object Attribute" window
- Equipment Attribute:Customizable in the "Object Attribute" window
- Element Attribute:Customizable in the "Object Attribute" window, the "object" type is available
Global variables can be divided into the following categories:
- Normal:Variables are written to the archive when saving the game.
- Shared:Variables are saved when exiting the game and loaded when starting the game
- temporary:Variables will not be saved and will be reset with the game reset, but the "object" type is available.
Variable type description:
- Boolean:Two simple states can be written: true and false
- Number:Supports integers and decimals, can be used to write multiple states, such as 0, 1, 2, 3... represent different stages of a quest
- String:It can be used to write the name or to write the state, it is easier to understand by using text as the state, such as "open", "closed"
- Object:The object can be an actor, skill, item, equipment, element, list, etc. Since the object cannot be saved, it can only be written to a temporary variable
- List:A container that can hold multiple data (boolean, number, string, object) in order, a list is also an object